We usually see a lot more fogginess in the Springtime when there often is rain and cool nights. This Winter has so far been a little topsy-turvy, warm then frigid then warm again, so we’ve seen our share of fog lately. No snow to mention except for a little dusting one time.
Yesterday, I ventured out to see what cloud formations I might find to photograph after a rainy night with a partly cloudy day promised by the weather forecast. It was mostly cloudy for starters then it became overcast.
Looking down the mountain ridge and across the valley from a higher vantage point than the road, you could see how the fog settled in the low areas.

Can you see the car headlights on the country road that snakes through the hills?
A black and white treatment seemed fitting for this very grey scene. A light rain rolled in and stopped the fun, but I now know a place to return to for more photo ops!
This view of the valley between mountain ridges is wonderful to watch as the seasons progress. Check out a color version of a similar scene as above that was taken a little higher on the hill.

In the color version barns are more visible and the colors of the planted and tilled farmland come out of hiding on the left.
As a landscape image I think it gives a pleasant relaxed feeling, and I can’t help wondering where the people in those cars are going.
To see either image in full size, visit Liz’s site on pixels.